Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Butt-Dialing" Leads to SWAT Intervention

According to the Urban Dictionary, “butt dialing” is defined as “accidentally dialing a cell phone thats in your pocket and the resulting broadcasting of a conversation to the last person dialed

According to Wikipedia, a “Butthead” is "an idiot who is stupid or inept."

A butthead must have typed the definition of "butt dialing" on the Urban Dictionary web site, as it's rife with punctuation and grammatical errors (see bolded words above).

On January 12, 2011, CBS reported an unidentified man butt dialed his wife while listening to a rap song with aggressive lyrics.  Believing her husband was taken hostage, the wife called the police, and a SWAT team was summarily dispatched to the school in Winnetka, Illinois, where the husband worked.  "In addition to the SWAT team, the all-out response included at least three TV helicopters and dozens of concerned neighbors outside the school, where students had already been dismissed for the day, the Tribune reports."

"Armed with automatic weapons and wearing bulletproof vests, SWAT team members circled the school about 5 p.m. Monday, searching for a reported gunman who might be holding a hostage, the Tribune reports. The all-clear sounded nearly three hours later, after the man was found safe at home by police."

In a January 11, 2011 article, The Toronto Star reported "An “unscientific” study found police were receiving an average of 300 “pocket dials” (also known as “butt dials”) every day. That’s 10 per cent of the total volume of calls to 911, says Broomfield. She launched the study after finding the volume of emergency calls was up 120,000 in 2010 over 2009."

Stop the butt dialing please!  It's costing taxpayers....

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