Sunday, August 25, 2019

Veni, vidi, vici

On my Sunday birthday morning, we were driving to Marina Del Ray when I asked the girls if they wanted to visit Universal Studios.  They'd been there once, but never left the "Harry Potter" section.  So, technically, they hadn't seen much of Universal Studios.

Fresh off of our road trip up the coast of California, I thought why not?  Another trip for a day in L.A. at Universal Studios should be a memorable experience.  It turned out the experience would be heartfelt by my wallet first and foremost.  When I checked out discounted ticket prices through my work the following week, the cheapest were $150 per person, and when you add to that $20 parking and food etc., you're pushing $500+.  GTFOH!  And the kids were happy to oblige.  They opted for Knott's Berry Farm instead, which at $46 per person was way more digestible.

So the following Sunday, we set out for Knott's.  As soon as we got there, I asked the kids to rate their happiness on a scale of 1 to 10.  Both said 9.  When we left a few hours later, one was up a quarter of a point, and the other half; 9.25 and 9.5.  This was a Sunday, August 25th outing.  Needless to say, after lunch the weather became almost unbearable, so I opted to follow the kids to the ride of their choice, sit in the shade and wait for them.  By the time we left, they'd been on 10 rides, and me on 3.  For lunch, we'd stuffed our faces with Johnny Rockets, and even hours later at 6:20 p.m.
I'm still laid out on the couch with a big fat stomach full of JR fries and shakes; I had mine and finished the kids' too.  What an idiot!  I need to shape up quickly for my 8 p.m. tennis match.

8-26-2019 update:  I drank a cup of coffee before my 8 p.m. Sunday night tennis match.  I needed it because I was sleepy and physically exhausted.  I'm happy to say I performed a miracle:  I won my tennis set 6-0 against Eugene, who at this point has improved to the point of splitting our matches.  This is nothing short of a miracle, because even at my best I don't come close to a shut out (or bagel in tennis lingo).  After the match I drove home and sh*t my brains out courtesy of Johnny Rockets.  Win win!

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